Botox: Not Just for the Image Conscious

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A study shows that Botox injections can deliver relief to patients suffering from Bruxism (teeth grinding).

The study was presented at the American Academy of Neurology annual meeting. The study participants underwent a baseline and screening overnight sleep study. Then 13 participants were randomly selected to receive a placebo, while the remaining 10 participants received Botox.

The Botox was injected bilaterally into both the masseter and temporalis muscles. This was the first placebo controlled trial of Botox for bruxism to incorporate sleep data.

It did in fact reveal that the Botox did improve safely and effectively nocturnal bruxing by relaxing the muscles that move the jaw. Larger trials will be needed to confirm the results, but study authors say these preliminary results are encouraging.

The injections must go into the masseter and termporalis muscles and not the lips… so no trout pout for you night grinders.

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